
Work completed so far

Things we have done so far:

So far we have made decent progress but are behind schedule. The new schedule is below. We will try to finish all the goals we stated in the initial proposal if everything goes to plan according to the new schedule. However, the only concern we have is of completing the webapp in time for the demo. If we dont, we will definitely have graphs showing the performance gains we achieved. As we stated in our proposal, the website is the stretch goal. We are running a bit behind schedule because it took us some time to get the best algorithm in terms of implementation complexities and performance gains. Furthermore, some of the initial structuring of the code took longer than expected.

Schedule for the coming weeks

Date Objective Member
Friday, April 22 Narain - Complete python dummy implementation of parallel matching algorithm. Test it thoroughly on random graphs. If time, write C++ version. Sharang - Implement atom info and adjacency seq data structures. Implement function to read input data, determine edges, and store data in appropriate data structures Both
Thursday, April 28 Narain, Sharang - Complete C++ implementation of parallel matching algorithm. Integrate into existing code. Begin testing on Xeon Phi to optimize. Both
Sunday, May 1 Narain, Sharang - Finish testing and optimizations. Both
Wed, May 7 Narain - Build a simple front-end for the webapp. Sharang - Build the back-end in Django. Test both parts. Both

Parallelism Competition

We will be demoing the web application built around our platform at the competition. We will feed some sample molecules (up to 1000's of atoms) and some sample proteins (up to 100,000's of thousands of atoms) and drawing the output molecules using the 3Dmol.js package in the browser. We will also have graphs of speedups obtained to illustrate the success of our project.